
Fourth Grade Fairy


All Willow Doyle wants is to be normal, to fit in at her new school, and to have a best friend. But thereā€™s no way Willow will ever be normal. There isnā€™t anything normal about her or the Doyle family.

Willow comes from a long line of fairy godmothers and sheā€™s expected to be one too when the time comes. (At the moment sheā€™s merely sprite status.) Maybe that would be cool if it were like the old days when the humans -- known as humdrums -- knew fairy godmothers existed and the fairies didnā€™t have to keep their fairy status secret. Now theyā€™re stuck helping humans who donā€™t even believe in them. Rather than help normals, Willow would rather be human. Sheā€™s sick of being weird.

When she's given the chance to attend a humdrum elementary school for two weeks, this is Willow's chance to finally experience a normal life -- but will she be able to fit in? And can she find her best friend there, even if her parents discourage making friends with humans?