
Ghost Stories

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Charles Dickens was a master of the macabre. His stories of madness, murder and revenge, often imbued with a sympathetic moral undertone, have continued to thrill and chill readers ever since they were written. Here then are 15 tales that display the full range of Dickensā€™s Gothic talents. The Signalman, perhaps the most well-known, is a chilling story about a mysterious figure and its deathly omen; The Haunted Man and the Ghostā€™s Bargain shows the consequences for those who make deals with the dead; The Portrait-Painterā€™s Story follows an artist who paints a non-living person by memory; and Captain Murderer and the Devilā€™s Bargain, a bedtime story from Dickensā€™s own childhood, tells of a bloodthirsty man who kills his brides and bakes them into pies. Among others, the collection also includes A Christmas Carol, The Baron of Grogzwig from The Pickwick Papers, and The Ghost in the Brideā€™s Chamber, a novella co-written with Wilkie Collins.

Verteller: David Timson