
Hot Winter Nights : A Heartbreaker Bay Novel


Who needs mistletoe?

Most people wouldnā€™t think of a bad Santa case as the perfect Christmas gift. Then again, Molly Malone, office manager at Hunt Investigations, isnā€™t most people, and she could really use a distraction from the fantasies sheā€™s been having since spending the night with her very secret crush, Lucas Knight. Nothing happened, not that Lucas knows thatā€”but Molly just wants to enjoy being a little naughty for once . . .

Whiskey and pain meds for almost-healed bullet wounds donā€™t mix. Lucas needs to remember that next time heā€™s shot on the job, which may be sooner rather than later if Mollyā€™s brother, Joe, finds out about them. Lucas canā€™t believe heā€™s drawing a blank on his (supposedly) passionate tryst with Molly, whoā€™s the hottest, smartest, strongest woman heā€™s ever known. Strong enough to kick his butt if she discovers heā€™s been assigned to babysit her on her first case. And hot enough to melt his cold heart this Christmas.

Verteller: Vivienne Leheny