
How to Build a Fashion Icon : Notes on Confidence from the World's Only Image Architect


A groundbreaking confidence manifesto by world famous stylist and image architect Law Roach Law Roach

is the mastermind behind looks that have broken the Internet time and again—from Zendaya at the Met

Gala to Anya Taylor-Joy at the Golden Globes, from Lewis Hamilton’s iconic streetwear to CĂ©line Dion’s style

renaissance. Nobody knows better than Law how to turn an outfit into a moment of fashion history. In a little

over a decade, he’s gone from industry outsider to the most buzzed-about name in style, having been honored,

for the second year in a row, with the Hollywood Reporter’s prestigious Stylist of the Year award. Now, for the

first time ever, Law shares the secrets of his approach. With How to Build a Fashion Icon, he takes readers

behind the scenes of his process and journey, revealing his tips, tricks, and most memorable styling moments

to show readers how to live their most iconic and fashionable lives. Part self-help guide, part manifesto, this

book will guide readers step-by-step through that process, and along the way, Law will weave in personal

anecdotes—from his childhood in the Southside of Chicago to the first time he styled Zendaya—with practical

exercises to help readers cultivate the most essential feature of iconic style: confidence.