
I Hate My Job!


Lifeā€™s too short for your work life to screw up your REAL life.

If your day job is making you feel like garbage, itā€™s time to gear up and get some new survival strategies. Stop letting your crappy day job mess with your mind!

Whether youā€™re a barista, a server, an administrative assistant, or a middle manager, this book is here to give you practical strategies to get through your crappy workday without stapling something to someoneā€™s head.

In these quick-read chapters, youā€™ll get unexpected tips and tricks for:

ā€¢ Harnessing the power of mantras without feeling like an idiot

ā€¢ Creating pre- and post-work rituals that don't suck

ā€¢ Zoning out at work without getting in trouble for it

ā€¢ Stopping stress in its lame-ass tracks

Work doesnā€™t have to leave you feeling tired, stressed, and emotionally drained ā€” even if you do hate your job.

No matter how crappy your day job is, you CAN re-claim your sanity during your workday, and rescue all those perfectly good days from being ruined by work-related stress.

Donā€™t wait.

You need an action-oriented, no-filler guide to making your life better, your workday more comfortable, and your stress levels more manageable ā€” all without requiring any substantial life changes.

If youā€™re ready to stop letting your work suck the life out of you, scroll up and buy 'I HATE MY JOB!: How to be Happy at Work Even When Your Day Job Sucks.'