
I Spy With My Little Eye...


*to be read first before Knock, Knockā€¦Whoā€™s Dead? and It Creeped at Midnight*

I Spy With My Little Eyeā€¦

Blake Williamson wants he and his friends to become the new One Direction, but Melissa, a scowling stepmother who wants nothing to do with her stepson, banishes Blake and his friends to the attic with the warning; If he wants to sing and dance, he must clean out the attic and use it.

Spending hours cleaning and dusting, Blake discovers long-lost treasures and photos of happier times just a few short years ago. And then a strange thing happensā€¦

A hole emerges through the adjoining wall, and unable to contain their curiosity, Blake and his friends peer through, only to find very strange things indeedā€¦

An ominous green glow emanates through the hole and they see arms and blood flying through the air. But Blakeā€™s not sure if heā€™s seeing things or just not being told the truthā€¦

All he wants is for his mother to come back to him, and the neighbours say they can make it happen, but they want his stepmother in returnā€¦