
Imperfect Strangers


ā€œThe story races at a dizzying pace. . . . [Woods] does show a reader a good time.ā€ā€”Washington Post Book World


Sandy Kinsolvingā€™s once-glittering life hangs by a thread; his future depends on his wifeā€™s inheritance and whether or not sheā€™s about to throw him out on his ear. What he wouldnā€™t give for a solution to his money and marriage problems.

If this were an Alfred Hitchcock movie, the solution would be obvious. Enter a stranger with wife problems of his own, who offers a violentā€”and mutually advantageousā€”proposal.

Then in the time it takes to whisper a word, Kinsolvingā€™s normal life ends. What radiates like a mirage before him is wealth, security, and freedom. But lurking in the shadows are a brutal murder he cannot prevent and a madman who stalks his every waking moment.

ā€œOne of the smoothest writers in the pop literature biz and always a pleasure to read.ā€ā€”Detroit News

Verteller: Tony Roberts