
In the Belly of the Congo


April 1958.

Organizing the Brussels Worldā€™s Fair, the biggest international event since the end of the Second World War, subcommissioner Robert Dumont cedes to pressure from the royal palace: there will be a ā€œCongolese villageā€ in one of the seven pavilions devoted to the settlements. Among the eleven members

of this ā€œhuman zooā€ assembled to put on a show at the foot of the Atomium is the young Tshala, daughter of the intractable king of the Bakuba. From her native Kasai to Brussels via LĆ©opoldville, the princessā€™s journey unfoldsā€”until her forced exhibition at Expo 58, where we lose track of her.

Summer 2004. Newly arrived in Belgium, a niece of the missing princess crosses paths with a man haunted by the ghost of his fatherā€”Francis Dumont, professor of law at the Free University of Brussels. A breathtaking series of events will reveal to them a secret the former

subcommissioner of Expo 58 carried to his grave.

From one century to the next, In the Belly of the Congo confronts History with a capital ā€œHā€ to pose the central question of the colonial equation: Can the past pass?

Verteller: Christel Mutombo