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In this hilarious, coming-of-age novel thatā€™s ā€œReady Player One for the middle grade crowdā€ (School Library Journal), twelve-year-old Bryan Biggins wakes up to find that his life has become a video game.

Meet Bryan Biggins. Most of the time heā€™s a freckle-faced boy, small for his age, who attends a school known for its unwritten uniform of North Face jackets and Hollister jeans. The rest of the time he is Kieran Nightstalker, the level-fifty dark-elf hero of his favorite video game, Sovereign of Darkness.

Until one day Bryan wakes up to find out his life has become a video game. Sort of. Except instead of fighting dragons or blasting bad guys, heā€™s still doing geometry and getting picked last for dodgeball. Itā€™s still middle school. Only now thereā€™s much more at stake.

Stealing the Twinkie from underneath the noses of those dieting teachers isnā€™t enough to earn him another life. And battling the creature that escaped from the science lab doesnā€™t seem to cut it either. And who knew Romeo and Juliet would turn into a zombie bloodbath?!

All the while heā€™s losing hit points and gaining levels, and facing the truth that GAME OVER might flash before his eyes at any minute. It all seems to be building to somethingā€¦something that has been haunting Bryan since way before his life turned into an X-Box nightmare, a challenge that only he can face. Will Bryan find a way to beat the game before itā€™s too late?