How to read between the lines and eliminate conflict while improving every single relationship.
Communication is not just chit-chat, and it is not just the words coming out of people’s mouths. It’s like an onion with layers and layers of nuance, and the deeper you go, the more important it becomes. It has the power to transform your relationships, and thus your life. Learn how to utilize this powerful tool to the fullest.
All the tools you need to become the most effective communicator you know.
Intentional Communication is about the most important skill you can ever possess: how to clearly communicate your thoughts and feelings, and receive the same from others. It sounds simple, but then you realize that every day is filled with misunderstandings, passive-aggression, missed opportunities, and emotional outbursts. Why?
Genuine communication that leads to long-lasting relationships is rare, and it’s not easy to discover the gaps that hold us back. This book shows you the way and draws deep into both human psychology and usable tips and tricks to transform the way you relate to others.
How to truly hear people’s thoughts and emotions, while also clearly expressing yours.
Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. His writing draws of a variety of sources, from scientific research, academic experience, coaching, and real-life experience. He used to be turbulent relationships where dueling monologues was the norm. What changed? Implementing the techniques in this book.
The most essential mindsets to ensure comfortable, vulnerable, and satisfying relationships. The biggest obstacles to healthy communication and listeningWhat true validation is, and the powerful catharsis it providesThe concept of self-differentiation and how it will change you foreverWhat an Imago dialogue is and how it can save marriagesYour unconscious contribution to conflict and passive-aggression, and how to conquer itWhat empathy and curiosity have to do with each other
How to be immediately trustworthy and empathetic.
People don’t have the time to give you second chances. Put your best foot forward by understanding what really matters in communication. Relationships are the key to happiness and fulfillment, and this book unlocks them.
Apply these principles anywhere: parties, networking events, dates, and family get-togethers.
Een van de beste boeken over communicatie die ik ooit las. Veel meer dan alleen over communicatie: King gaat ook in op mentaal welzijn, grenzen en behoeften als onderliggende invloeden op communicatie en geeft daarmee eigenlijk een heel beknopte beschrijving van zelfhulpboeken. Veel aantekeningen bij gemaakt.
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