


He couldnā€™t die without her, and he wouldnā€™t die with her. Not if she had anything to say about it.

The tide has turned in a centuriesā€™ long war, and the Intergalactic Military has been tapped to step in and lend a hand. Sent to assist the Boā€™Estrons, Captain Jelia Linh and her crew find themselves under immediate attack and in a fight for their own lives.

The rescue goes wrong, and ironically Kaxx must save the ones sent to aid them, but he isnā€™t expecting the feelings the female captain invokes. The tingling sensation he gets when he touches her. It couldnā€™t beā€¦could it? Heā€™d missed his chance long ago.

The mission to help find the missing crewmembers is proving futile, as theyā€™re all being picked off one bunker at a time. The battle is heating up, and itā€™s no longer about protecting their own. The Boā€™Estron are fighting back, but with the Varnarians teaming up with the Hojinths, do they stand a chance?

War. Betrayal. Enemies. Allies. Saviors. Mates.

Torn between duty and love, two become one.

Verteller: Kay Webster