
King's Gambit






a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage

Twenty-seven-year-old King Barrett was born and raised in the trenches. After being abandoned by his parents, he found solace in the streets, alongside the gangsters and dope boys. Even after retiring from the business, he stayed close to his roots.

One fateful afternoon, King and his best friend are in the wrong place at the wrong time and cross paths with a rival gang. Shots are fired, lives are lost, and a war brews. With only one option to protect himself, King has to lie low for a while.

Twenty-five-year-old Drew Cambridge never knew her father and her mother died. The only family she had was her older brother, Rashad Cambridge. Rashad was her biggest stressor because he wanted to become the king of the streets. At the sight of a war, Drew begs her

brother to calm down, but his only goal is to add fuel to the fire until the whole city burns. Needing to escape, Drew cashes in her vacation time to treat herself.

When King and Drew end up in the same city, emotions are revealed. Sparks fly, blood is shed, and lives are changed forever in King’s Gambit.