
Light at the End of the Tunnel : Surviving the shame of disability within an ethnic family


Cassy is the first of her generation born into a Christian Lebanese family after they emigrated to Australia, and she was set to be the golden grandchild. But when it was discovered that she had

cerebral palsy, the promise of her wonderful future vanished, and a veil of shame descended. Now an embarrassment to the family, Cassy was hidden away from the community, just tolerated at

home, and told she was an embarrassment, useless and would have no future. Her innocence protected her from realising she was unwanted, so Cassy put everything she had into living her life

to its fullest. Once Cassy bravely stood up to her oppressors and became an independent individual, she would never be held back again.

‘Light at the End of the Tunnel’ is an autobiography chronicling Cassy’s journey through hard times and tough lessons supported by good friends and personal achievements. She hopes to inspire by sharing the lessons she has learned to build on your inner strength and fulfill your dreams.

Verteller: Lena Fiszman
