
Lois Lane Tells All


New York Times bestselling author Karen Hawkins returns to Glory, North Carolina, for a story of tension and romance between a relentless reporter chasing a story and the newspaper's sexy CFO.

Susan Collins always wanted to be a hard-hitting reporter, but thereā€™s not much call for her talents in sleepy Glory, North Carolina. Then the Murder Mystery Clubā€”a trio of enterprising octogenariansā€”decides to open their own CSI lab at the assisted-living center. And when strange "accidents" begin to happen around town, Susan senses she could be on to the news story of her dreams.

Mark Tremayne has returned to Glory to take over as CFO of The Glory Examiner. His job is to keep the newspaper profitable, which means covering the annual Baptist Church Bake-Off and selling ads for the county fairā€”not allowing his too-sexy-for-her-own-good reporter to hare off after a wild story that could alienate some of the townspeople.

Markā€™s and Susanā€™s viewpoints could be from different planets, but their mutual attraction is in total alignment. Despite their arguments, the indomitable redhead and the hot accountant are a sexual explosion waiting to happen. And when it does, Glory had better watch out!