
Luck of the Draw


As spring rolls around in the Twin Cities, Kate uncovers a baffling new case. A millionaire recluse has been found with a spear through his heartā€”dead on his own private island. Detective Rosetti is called in to peel back the layers of the most unusual homicide sheā€™s seen yet. To add fuel to the fire, Kateā€™s ex-boyfriend now occupies the desk next to her. Itā€™s a little hard to focus on her burgeoning relationship with one handsome billionaire when remnants of her past are visible at every turn. When the case, and her relationship with the two men in her life, all come to a head at an exclusive resort in northern Minnesota, Kate realizes sheā€™s going to have to choose her path forwardā€”and fast. At the rate bodies are dropping around Detective Rosetti, she knows itā€™s only a matter of time before sheā€™s nextā€¦

Verteller: Suzie Althens