
Made For A Purpose: Lessons From My Sheepdogs


Itā€™s widely known that dogs are manā€™s best friend. But did you know that they can be one of manā€™s greatest teachers? There are many lessons about life we can learn from dogs, and in this inspiring book, author Debbie L. Cole presents some of them to you.

Made For A Purpose Lessons: From My Sheepdogs by Debbie L. Cole shares the authorā€™s experience of raising sheepdogs and discusses how the relationship between a sheepdog and its master relates well to peopleā€™s relationship with God, the Master. Told from the masterā€™s perspective in working with sheepdogs, it explains the tasks and skills required to herd sheep and bring them to the shepherd and uses Scripture passages to draw parallels between dogs made for the purpose of herding sheep and Christians made for the purpose of bringing lost sheep to the Master and Good Shepherd.

As Debbie discusses several experiences with her three sheepdogs, she shows how the lessons she learned from them taught her more of how to live life as a follower of Christ. Each of her dogs had the skills and talents to be successful at herding sheep and serving their master, but each approached the work differently. Tux decided to be disobedient and ignore the master; Junebug chose to be as obedient as possible, always willing to serve and looking for opportunities to do so; and Rascal didnā€™t want to work but would rather play. Including questions at the end of chapters to encourage introspection and thought, readers will be able to learn from each dogā€™s responses and realize that in many ways, when it comes to our walk with God, weā€™ve done the same.

Verteller: Debbie L. Cole