
Market Your Way to Growth


The US, Europe, and Japan are facing the prospect of low and slow economic growth for the balance of this decade. Their economies will not be able to create enough jobs to match the size and growth of their workforces especially for younger workers, nor will they keep pace with generating the tax revenues needed to even begin to deleverage their countries enormous accumulated public debt. How can businesses grow in this difficult macroeconomic environment? In this book, Professor Kotler explains the seven basic pathways that can deliver growth even in a slow growth economy: Grow by Building Your Market Share. What is the best way to out-perform your competitors and grow your market share? Grow by Developing Enthusiastic Customers and Stakeholders. How can your company create fans and develop dedicated supply chain partners? Grow by Building a Powerful Brand. What can your company do to design and implement a powerful brand to serve as a living platform for its

Verteller: Mark Weatherup