
Mister Teacher


Janae McEntire has suffered enough loss to not want love again. Even without the desire to love, Janae canā€™t help but consider how much better her life would be if she allowed the right man to love her. While her heart tells her that man is Tyreek Roberts, Janaeā€™s mind tells her to steer clear of him.

After seeing his brother, Kahlil, find happiness and love, Tyreek decides heā€™s ready for the same. Mister Teacher has a past that demands he tie up a few loose ends before he can obtain his happily ever after with Janae.

To celebrate Honey and Kahlilā€™s upcoming wedding, the crew of friends decide to spend a week in Las Vegas, where both Janae and Tyreek have the chance to explore each other on deep and intimate levels. Just when they allow themselves to consider a future together, an old client from Tyreekā€™s past

resurfaces with a big ask and an even bigger secret to blackmail Tyreek into doing just about anything he wants ā€¦