
Mom Set Free : Find Relief from the Pressure to Get It All Right


Moms are under so. much. pressure. Pressure that weighs us down and threatens to wipe us out. Are you ready for relief? Mom Set Free will empower you to parent in the confidence of God's grace and to experience the freedom you were created for.

We moms are told that we have to get it all right so our kids turn out right. Weā€™re told that their entire futures are riding on our ability to perfectly orchestrate their lives. And weā€™re told that the strength of their faith hinges on ours. And we begin to believe that if we just try hard enough, we can actually ā€œbe enough.ā€

These impossible standards leave us stuck in worry, anger, guilt, comparison, and shame. Jeannie Cunnion gets it. And in Mom Set Free she reveals how the Good News of the Gospel empowers us to liveā€”and parentā€”in the freedom for which Christ has set us free.

Jeannie invites us to journey alongside her as we learn to:

-Lay down what God has not asked us to carry so we can thrive in what He has.

-Embrace our significance in our childrenā€™s lives in light of Godā€™s sovereignty.

-Trust God with the children He has entrusted to us.

-Receive Godā€™s grace so we can reflect Godā€™s heart to our kids.

Itā€™s time to breathe deeper, walk lighter, and reclaim the wonder and adventure of parenting.