
More Beautiful Than Death

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An original novel based on the thrilling new Star Trek movies!

Based on the ā€œKelvin Universeā€ movie saga!

Captain James T. Kirk and the Enterprise crew escort Spockā€™s father, Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan, to a dilithium-rich planet called Akiron. They arrive to find this world under siege by creatures that some of the planetā€™s denizens believe are demons. Sarek orders Kirk to abandon the mission, but the young captain wonā€™t turn his back on people in danger. After a harrowing encounter with the dark-energy ā€œdemons,ā€ Kirkā€™s belief in a rational universe is challenged by a mystic who insists that it wasnā€™t coincidence that brought Kirk to Akiron, but the alien equivalent of a Karmic debt.

Meanwhile, aboard the Enterprise, Sarekā€™s young Vulcan aide Lā€™Nel has a sinister agendaā€”and its chief objective appears to be the cold-blooded murder of Spock!

Verteller: Robert Petkoff