
My Christmas Number One - The perfect uplifting festive romance for 2020 (Unabridged)


Thereā€™s nothing quite like a Christmas love story, to get you in the mood for celebratingā€¦ Cara doesnā€™t do sexy and she only does ā€˜Happy Christmasā€™ under duress. She is, after all, a serious musician, and her stubborn streak is born from her struggle to recover from a serious injury.

Javi lives for escapist fun - in his music, and in his life - especially since heā€™s always failed at lifeā€™s more serious challenges, including marriage and fatherhood.

Javi and Cara are forced to record a Christmas single together, but neither of them have plans to spend any more time with each other than they absolutely have to. With Christmas traditions that couldnā€™t be more different, and outlooks on life that are worlds apart, the chemistry just shouldnā€™t work. But the magic of Christmas can bring even opposites togetherā€¦

From the snowy beauty of London at Christmas, to the candle-lit magic of Javiā€™s traditional family celebrations, let Leonie Mack whisk you away on a memorable festive adventure. Perfect for fans of Trisha Ashley, Mandy Baggot and Holly Martin.

Verteller: Gloria Sanders