
Nava-vraja-mahimā 6


From the author of the highly acclaimed Krishna in Vrndavana series comes a nine volume literary treasure, Nava-vraja-mahima. In this epic work of over 4,000 pages, Sivarama Swami reveals the glories of the sacred dhama through the medium of pastime, parikrama, and philosophy.

Volume 6 continues along the parikrama path from Ujani to Bhandira-vata, Gopi-ghata to Sanorakha, Varaha-ghata to Kesi-ghata, Dhira-samira to Bhatrola, and onto Kuruksetra, Sukratal, Naimisaranya, Kinarai, Devanagara, Syama-mandira, and Ramana-reti.