
No Stones Upturned


The story Gold Chain is about a middle class family which prides itself for its ability to judge and justify every action of any individual with confidence and command. Sometimes people and times may not remain constant and we need to accept all that which happens in our lives with grit and hardiness.

Revelation follows the life of a staunch moralist who rigidly believes that his convictions are correct and the world would accept his dictum as final. Fate has it when he realises a forgone truth that it is he who needs to change and not the world for his sake.

Kaushy is a real life incident that happened to a young girl yet the fictional aspects added gives it a different flavour and setting. Medicine cannot help the mind if it chooses to wanderand no one can really analyse, or comprehensively explain what the human brain can concoct.

When times change is the story of a woman in a Diary entry. Although there are many such unsung heroes in our society today, no one really cares or shares the concerns of the common man/woman and they are left to fend for themselves.

God bless my darling is the story of a child who was unwell but with the support and sheer effort of her mother fights the battle to survive and sustain her life. It’s the positivity that people show that makes life worth living.

The night that changed my life is about a teenager who learns a thing or two about life in a short journey that she undertakes with friends and family. It is an eye-opener for the young girl who realises that the world is not what we assume that it portrays.

The green grass is about a family which believes that their lives is worth emulating since they could realise their dreams, but when one’s dream is fulfilled, it’s time to create another dream and not to continue believing in the longevity of the dream to last forever.

Ambujam Mami is the story of a woman who contrary to belief is a strong and resilient person. We humans always typecast people into categories and sometimes its carried too far, the world does possess many such people who break many a myth time and again and make us introspect about our ability to pass a judgement.

Fit for a queen treads into the life of a group of women who lead lives which is different and variant from each other, yet common enough to make them realise that while the wine remains the same, the bottle does differ from one to the other.

No stones upturned: is about a teacher’s journey. There is no moral message, just a chapter from the teacher’s life, while he journeys from place to place and makes friends and well-wishers for life.
