
Not For Tourists Guide to Boston 2017


The Not For Tourists Guide to Boston is a map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood guidebook for already street-savvy Bostonians, business travelers, and tourists alike. It divides the city into 28 neighborhoods, mapped out and marked with user-friendly icons identifying services and entertainment venues. Restaurants, banks, community gardens, hiking, public transportation, and landmarksā€”NFT packs it all into one convenient pocket-sized guide.

Want to catch a game of one of our world champion teams? NFT has you covered. How about eating the best pizza of the entire East Coast? Weā€™ve got that, too. The nearest ritzy restaurant, historic trail, jazz lounge, or bookstoreā€”whatever you needā€”NFT puts it at your fingertips. This light and portable guide also features:

ā€¢ A foldout highway map

ā€¢ Sections on all of Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville

ā€¢ More than 110 neighborhood and city maps

ā€¢ Listings for theaters, museums, entertainment hotspots, and nightlife

Buy it for your cah or your pawket; the NFT guide to Beantown will help you make the most of your time in the city.