
One Touch of Moondust


Down on her luck, former Wall Street dynamo Gabrielle Clayton agreed to move into Paul Reedā€™s ramshackle but affordable apartment on the condition that they keep strict personal boundaries. Then Gabrielle discovered she and Paul shared a good deal more than the rentā€”like one outrageous claw-foot bathtub located smack in the middle of the kitchenā€”and things started heating up! For Gabrielle, the most irresistible distraction of all was the sexy blue-eyed renovator himself. Paul was the most romantic man sheā€™d ever met! Suddenly, practical, down-to-earth Gabrielle was dreaming of magical nights spent in Paulā€™s arms. What had come over her? Was it the man, the moon, or love?

Verteller: Senn Annis