
Parenting Without Power Struggles : Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids While Staying Cool, Calm, and Connected


Do you ever find yourself asking . . .

ā€¢ How can you get your children to do their homework without meltdowns, threats or bribes?

ā€¢ How can you have a drama-free morning where the kids actually get out the door in time for school?

ā€¢ How can you better manage your kidsā€™ screen time without making them want to hide what theyā€™re doing from you?

Family therapist Susan Stiffelman is here to help. While most parenting programs are designed to coerce kids to change, Parenting Without Power Struggles does something innovative, showing you how to come alongside your children to awaken their natural instincts to cooperate, rather than at them with threats or bribes, which inevitably fuels their resistance. By staying calm and being the confident ā€œCaptain of the shipā€ your child needs, you will learn how to parent from a place of strong, durable connection, and youā€™ll be better able to help your kids navigate the challenging moments of growing up.

Drawing upon her successful practice and packed with real-life stories, Parenting Without Power Struggles is an extraordinary guidebook for transforming the day-to-day lives of busy parentsā€”and the children they love.