
Pay Attention: The testimony of one man's salvation. Hebrews 13-2, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."


Join me on a journey from the dark side of addiction where all the pain and agony that exists there penetrated me to the bone. A place where the lost of this world reside not knowing how simple it is to leave the misery behind and enter the place of love and of light and of joy. A place free of worry and fear embraced by the serenity of knowing God's grace through Jesus Christ. The words in this book will set you free as you enter a new way of life. You will be surprised what you find there if you join me and learn to Pay Attention. This was real life for me as it happened minute by minute, me having no idea along the way where it would lead. It could have gone very badly and ended in my demise had I not learned to truly Pay Attention.

Verteller: Charlie Winkley
