
Petal Plucker


Confession: I, Dandelion ā€œDaniā€ Wright, am twenty-six years old and have yet to be deflowered. No man has hosed my hyacinth, fondled my freesia, or diddled my daffodil. You get the point.

My excuse? I was too busy running my familyā€™s flower shop and winning floral-design competitions.

Suddenly that whole pesky virginity thing becomes a big deal when Jacob West walks back into my life. Heā€™s the boy I once lovedā€”the boy who once humiliated me when he stood me up for prom.

This Jacob is no boy though: heā€™s all man nowā€”confident, charming, and so sexy my metaphorical blossoms are getting scorched. I can almost forget Iā€™m supposed to hate him foreverā€¦almost.

To make things worse, heā€™s my main competition now, since he took over his parentsā€™ flower shop. If I give in to this sizzling attraction between us, it could jeopardize everything Iā€™ve worked so hard to achieve.

But if Iā€™m not careful, he might not just be the first man to pluck my petalsā€”he might also be the only man to capture my heart.