
Playing the Player


After a long history with crappy guys, high-school teacher Em Newman is going man-vegan. Four months of revirginization has opened her eyes to her doormat imitation, but babyā€™s got spine now and some smooth-talkingā€”even if he is sinfully hot, a rugby player who wonā€™t be adding her as a notch anytime soon.

Lincoln Quinn loves rugby, women, and poker. And he likes to win at all three. When his teammates bet him he canā€™t break through Emā€™s resolve, heā€™s more than up for the challenge. But this lady has a shoebox of stipulations before sheā€™ll even go on a date with him, much less use that mouth for kissing instead of giving orders.

Somethingā€™s gotta give but this time Emā€™s not settling. And Lincā€™s questioning everything he ever knew about matters of the heart.

Verteller: Brie Jackman