
Secrets and Sins: Malachim


Boston attorney Malachim Jerrod doesnā€™t trust anyone. His father and his ex-fiancĆ© taught him that hard lesson. So when a beautiful stranger arrives on his doorstep his first reaction is to back awayā€”far away. Danielle Warren wants a job, but his law business is falling apart, and her credentials are bare-bones at best. Still, thereā€™s something about her that, try as he might, heā€™s unable to resist. The vulnerability in her soft voice? The way she flinches when he gets too close? The yearning he sees mirrored in her eyes when she looks at him?

Two years ago, Danielle barely escaped alive from her powerful and abusive ex-husband. Now her ex is out of prison, and heā€™s coming for her. She knows she must leave her new job and runā€”disappearā€”to keep herself and those she loves safeā€¦including the sexy boss whoā€™s sparked feelings in her heart she never thought sheā€™d feel again. Yet, she canā€™t help but wonder...should she let down her guard and trust Malachim with the truth?

Working together brings them closer than everā€”but it also reveals secrets and sins best left buried in the past. Their lives and their passionate love at stake, Danielle and Malachim must fight to survive to grasp the future of their dreams.