For a generation now, public debate has been corroded by a narrow derision of religion in the name of an often very vaguely understood 'science'. John Gray's stimulating and extremely enjoyable new book describes the rich, complex world of the atheist tradition, a tradition which he sees as in many ways as rich as that of religion itself, as well as being deeply intertwined with what is so often crudely viewed as its 'opposite'. The result is a book that sheds an extraordinary and varied light on what it is to be human and on the thinkers, who have, at different times and places, battled to understand this issue.
Mannen komen van Mars, vrouwen komen van Venus : Mannen zijn anders, vrouwen ook
John Gray
bookVoorbij Mars en Venus : Handvatten voor relaties in moderne, complexe tijden
John Gray
audiobookMen Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
John Gray
audiobookMars and Venus Starting Over : A Practical Guide for Finding Love Again After a Painful Breakup, Divorce, or the Loss of a Loved One
John Gray
audiobookWork With Me
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audiobookVenus is hot, Mars is cool
John Gray
bookHow to Get What You Want and Want What You Have
John Gray
audiobookMen Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
John Gray
audiobookThe New Leviathans
John Gray
audiobookFeline Philosophy
John Gray
audiobookA Summary of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus : The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex
John Gray
The Gods of Atheism
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audiobookIs Atheism Evil?
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audiobookSpaans voor elke dag
Pinhok Languages