
Sexy Nerd


When he walked into my restaurant, I thought he was the hottest man Iā€™d ever seen in person. And then he spoke. And I realized who he was. The world now knows him as John Brandtā€”the ridiculously wealthy, handsome, genius workaholic startup founder and tech entrepreneur. I will always think of him as the annoying geek who's my older brotherā€™s best friend. Market research has told him that he needs a girlfriend for an important business trip and gala event. He says he doesnā€™t want to bring someone that he has to impress or make an effort with, so he thought of me and figured I could use a nice vacation from my life right about now. He is one cocky nerd. Even if heā€™s right. I need the money, and he can actually help me with my career, but I think he needs to be schooled in the art of treating a lady right. Lucky for him, I am just the woman to finally teach him. Turns out his total lack of social skills does not correspond to a lack of skills in the bedroom. At all. He even teaches me a few new tricks. Every time he opens his obnoxious mouth I canā€™t believe this guyā€™s for real. Every time he touches me, every time he reminds me of who I was before I started to lose myself in the big city, I canā€™t believe that what we have right now is fake. Iā€™m afraid that by the end of the month either I will have punched him in the face or the last man on earth I ever thought Iā€™d fall in love with will have broken my heart. Or both.