With over 40 years' experience in the industry, Russell Collins knows that the top professional advisers are successful because of their persuasive talents. Through the exercise of these talents, they encourage people to reach decisions that they know are best, but about which they would prefer to procrastinate. Russell also believes that there is a major flaw in the training of new advisers entering the industry. Within the training process, there is an over-emphasis on product and technical knowledge and a severe under-emphasis on communication skills. Skills that Succeed is about the basics of selling risk insurance, especially life insurance. The common denominator in each of these basics is 'communication,' especially as it relates to: • The importance of preparation: how can you separate yourself from your competitors from the outset? • The fact-finding meeting: What do you say after you say, 'Hello?' • The importance of the file note, and what to do with the information in the file note. • How to assemble and make great presentations. • How to get the case through underwriting. • Specific sales concepts for both the personal and business owner markets. There is a danger that many who are new to the industry may believe that the more qualifications an adviser possesses, the more successful they will become. But this is not the case. Success is based on communication, which is an art, not a science.
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