
Sleight of Hand: A Practical Manual of Legerdemain


It is always a matter for self-congratulation on the part of an author to be called upon to furnish a Preface to a second or subsequent edition of some "bantling of his brain." In the present instance the task is more satisfactory than usual, the author not coming before the reader empty-handed. Since the publication of the first edition, conjurors have not been idle, and numerous new methods for producing magical surprises have been invented. Such of these as are suitable or worthy—for, in their haste to be novel, many have failed to be satisfactory—the author has incorporated; and, by a thorough revision of the work, he has placed before the aspiring conjuror, written up to date, all that it is possible for him to know in the region of Sleight of Hand.

E. S.Part I. Drawing-room Magic.


II.—Tricks with Coins

III.—Tricks with Common Objects

IV.—Tricks with Cups and Balls

V.—Tricks with Handkerchiefs

VI.—Chinese Tricks

VII.—Tricks at Table

VIII.—Tricks with Cards

Part II.—Grand, or Stage Magic.

IX.—General Remarks

X.—The Table and Dress

XI.—Sleights and Properties for General Use

XII.—Tricks with Cards

XIII.—Tricks with Handkerchiefs and Gloves

XIV.—Tricks with Coins


XVI.—The Cornucopian Hat

XVII.—Tricks with Watches and Live Stock

XVIII.—Sham Mesmerism, Clairvoyance, &c.

XIX.—Final Instructions