Getting a handle on personal finance can be confusing and stressful. Get unstuck and start saving now with this streamlined, holistic plan for financial wellness. Smart Money makes it simple to ditch debt and jump-start your wealth in nine practical steps. Learn how to avoid money pitfalls, correct any wrong turns, and save and spend the right way to build wealth. Start by assessing your current personal finance, figuring out how much you owe, and comparing your income with your spending. With a wealth of budgeting wisdom, saving strategies, banking tips, and advice for investing, you’ll find out exactly how to set realistic goals?and watch yourself breeze through them. - A step-by-step plan?Build a strong foundation with a plan that includes putting your money in the right bank, making your credit card work for you, and prepping for big-ticket expenses. - Simple, helpful tools?Implement changes at each stage of financial planning with the help of handy budget worksheets and checklists. - Tips and tricks?Master the tools of wealth-building with tips including seven ways to tackle debt, five credit-card commandments, and more. Discover how you can revitalize your finances now.
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