
Some Examples Related to Ethical Computer Networking Hacking


The objective of this work is to provide some quick tutorials in computer networking hacking.

The work includes the following tutorials:

- Tutorial 1: Setting Up Penetrating Tutorial in Linux.

- Tutorial 2: Setting Up Penetrating Tutorial in Windows.

- Tutorial 3: OS Command Injection:

- Tutorial 4: Basic SQL Injection Commands.

- Tutorial 5: Manual SQL injection using order by and union select technique.

- Tutorial 6: Damping SQL Tables and Columns Using the SQL Injection.

- Tutorial 7: Uploading Shell in the Site having LFI.

- Tutorial 8: Advanced Way for Uploading Shell

- Tutorial 9: Uploading shell Using Sqli Command.

- Tutorial 10: Uploading Shell Using SQLmap

- Tutorial 11: Post Based SQL Injection

- Tutorial 12: Cracking the Hashes Using

- Tutorial 13: Hacking windows 7 and 8 through Metasploite

- Tutorial 14: Tutorial on Cross Site Scripting

- Tutorial 15: Hacking Android Mobile Using Metasploit

- Tutorial 16: Man of the middle attack:

- Tutorial 17: Using SQLmap for SQL injection

- Tutorial 18: Hide Your Ip

- Tutorial 19: Uploading Shell and Payloads Using SQLmap

- Tutorial 20: Using Sql Shell in SQLmap

- Tutorial 21: Blind SQL Injection

- Tutorial 22: Jack Hridoy SQL Injection Solution

- Tutorial 23: Using Hydra to Get the PasswordTutorial 24: Finding the phpmyadmin page using websploit.

- Tutorial 25: How to root the server using back connect

- Tutorial 25: How to root the server using back connect

- Tutorial 26: HTML Injection

- Tutorial 27: Tutuorial in manual SQl Injection

- Tutorial 28: Venom psh-cmd-exe payload

- Tutorial 29: Cross site Request Forgery (CSRF)

- Tutorial 30: Disable Victim Computer

- Tutorial 31: Exploit any firefox by xpi_bootstrapped addon

- Tutorial 32: Hack android mobile with metasploit

- Tutorial 33: PHP Code Injection to Meterpreter Session

- Tutorial 34: Basic google operators

- Tutorial 35: Hacking Credit Cards with google

- Tutorial 36: Finding Vulnerable Websites in Google

- Tutorial 37: Using the httrack to download website

- Tutorial 38: Getting the credit cards using sql injection and the SQLi dumper

- Tutorial 39: Using burp suite to brute force password