
Songs of the Doomed

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First published in 1990, Songs of the Doomed is back in printā€”by popular demand! In this third and most extraordinary volume of the Gonzo Papers, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson recalls high and hideous moments in his thirty years in the Passing Laneā€”and no one is safe from his hilarious, remarkably astute social commentary.

With Thompsonā€™s trademark insight and passion about the state of American politics and culture, Songs of the Doomed charts the long, strange trip from Kennedy to Quayle in Thompsonā€™s freewheeling, inimitable style. Spanning four decadesā€”1950 to 1990ā€”Thompson is at the top of his form while fleeing New York for Puerto Rico, riding with the Hellā€™s Angels, investigating Las Vegas sleaze, grappling with the ā€œDukakis problem,ā€ and finally, detailing his infamous lifestyle bust, trial documents, and Fourth Amendment battle with the Law. These talesā€”often sleazy, brutal, and crudeā€”are only the tip of what Jack Nicholson called ā€œthe most baffling human iceberg of our time.ā€

Songs of the Doomed is vintage Thompsonā€”a brilliant, brazen, bawdy compilation of the greatest sound bites of Gonzo journalism from the past thirty years.