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  1. Turn off the autopilot and Take control yourself

    Jozsef Piller

  2. High Performance and the Human Touch : The pragmatic Concept of Leadership for healthy Top Performance

    Frank Breckwoldt

  3. Living in Harmony with the Nature: Henry David Thoreau's Edition (13 Titles in One Edition) : Walden, Walking, Night and Moonlight, The Highland Light, A Winter Walk…

    Henry David Thoreau

  4. Krøyer and Paris : French Connections and Nordic Colours

    Mette Harbo Lehmann, Dominique Lobstein

  5. Fashioned in the North: Nordic Histories, Agents and Images of Fashion Photography

    Anne-Sofie Hjemdahl, Ane Lynge-Jorlén, Tone Rasch, Marie Riegels Melchior, Merja Salo, Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir, Christine Sjöberg

  6. Icelandic Primer with Grammar, Notes and Glossary

    Henry Sweet

  7. Planet, People and Profit: Strike a Balance : Strike a balance

    Nilani L De Silva, Nicholas A. Jackson, Pius Tangwe Tanga, Ibaba Samuel Ibaba, Dauda Garuba, Francois Naramabuye, Frances Gwira

  8. Forbidden Literature: Case studies on censorship

    Klara Arnberg, Dag Heede, Kristin Johansson, Kenneth Lindegren, Åsa Ljungström, Liviu Malita, Ilona Savolainen, Claus Schatz-Jakobsen

  9. Het vreemdste Bijbelboek

    Elaine Pagels

  10. In God we trust : geloven in Amerika

    Peter Vermaas

  11. No sacred land for vanquised : Busca y encuentra a Frida Kahlo

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  12. De dood van Dantes keizer : een spannende historische thriller vol middeleeuwse controverses, religieuze en filosofische steekspelen, symboliek en een enkele verwijzing naar de actualiteit.

    Renée Vink
