
The big mistake


Are the days numbered for the big robber-family?

The public prosecutor Carl Pihl in Gothenburg has sent two detectives to find the robber`s den. The robber-chief Ambjörn is not aware of that he did his biggest mistake in his life when he bought the three fatherless boys from Evert Abner!

Does the maid Ida Nilsdotter dare to witness against the big robber-family?

A day-book uncovers dreadful tings that the robber-family has done ten years ago!

The estate administrator Arthur Lönnkvist is coming with a sealed letter which has been hidden for then years which uncovers horrible truths!

Already from the beginning Ambjörn`s brother Sverker throws his eyes on the blond and blue-eyed sweet girl Ida Nilsdotter.

This is book number two in a thriller series which take place in Sweden.