
The Control Heuristic


“A SUPERB book […] by one of the profound thinkers in our field [behavioral economics].” – Michal G. Bartlett on the second edition

“Luca’s book was so helpful to my work. Opened my eyes up to some more reasons why change is so hard.” – Chris Murman on the first edition

“So insightful with common sense applications of complexity and the ability to communicate clearly!!” – Bob Klapetzky

Seen on Nudgestock.

Reviews of Luca Dellanna's previous books

"Absolutely brilliant."

– Alberto Pisanello

"A very thoughtful piece of writing, deep and wiring!"

– David Krejca

"A thoughtfully written book in very straightforward language."

– A.L. Peevey

"Very good book. Read it in in two evenings. Great insights straight to the point (not the usual self-help babble). Highly recommended."

"One of the best works I have read in that matter (I have read a few) and it's surprising how realistically he depicts the condition." – Manel Vilar (on Luca's book on autism)

"A profound, useful and insightful book" – Lorenzo Dragani


At a first look, human behavior seems an inexplicable mess. Why do we behave irrationally? Why is change so hard? What is happiness and why does it seem to escape us?

The Control Heuristic offers a new perspective to answer these questions and provides a guiding light to understand the subconscious processes that guide our behavior.

Luca Dellanna, author of 5 books, writes here a revealing journey into the true motivations for human behavior. Understanding how the human mind really works is the first step to personal change. Suddenly, the frustrating becomes clear and the complex becomes simple.