Bransen Garibond, the Highwayman, had little interest in the politics of Honce. To him, the two powerful warring lairds were the same sides of the same coin: The outcome for the people would be no different either way.
A journey north, however, teaches Bransen that his views are simplistic at best...and that some things truly matter.
Joined by his comrades in arms from The Ancient, Bransen sets off on a quest to put right over wrong and to find the truth, both of Honce and of himself. But his search is fraught with confusion and fraud -- for there are many who would seek to use the Highwayman's extraordinary battle skills and popularity for their own nefarious ends.
Such a shame that a lot of the side characters that seem interesting get killed off rather quickly. Makes it harder for me to really get into the story as you have to remember new characters every chapter almost.
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