Born in Brussels in 1925, the eldest of a family whose participation in the political economic and cultural life of Belgium dates back to the 14thcentury Francois Houtart has been a man of the world. Bestowed by the UNESCO with the Mandanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non Violence in 2009' writer of over fifty books amongthem pioneer works on Sociology and Theology Houtart had a long and fruitful life always on the side of the needy and the humble. In this book you will find the complete biography of this Belgian priest and sociologist. Anecdotes and stories about his family his childhood his travels around the world and their impact on his research on sociology and the role of religion; his relationship with the Church the Vatican authorities, the Belgian monarchy academicians scholars and savants; leaders and Statesmen of many developing countries; guerrilla fighters and priests who also devoted their lives to the wellbeing of humanity disregarding their origin and creed. He was in the midst of most of the battles for justice around the world. His interviewer has presented us with a vision of this shining spirit, a fighter for the Common Good, his achievements and experiences. He had no certainties, but hopes for a better future. This and more can be found in this fascinating personal history.
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