
The Guilty Mother


My husbandā€™s dead. They say my best friend did it. I canā€™t believe it. Not Lisa. Thereā€™s no way she could have done something so terrible. I look around at her shaken family, her two devastated children and her shocked husband, as they watch the most important woman in their lives being arrested for murderā€¦ I always thought Lisa was the perfect wife and mother. Weā€™ve been best friends ever since I moved to Dragonfly Close. Her children call me Auntie Vic, weā€™re always chatting, laughing, and sipping her homemade lemonade in our back gardens. She would never do anything like this. But then I remember the day I saw her at the coffee shop with Russell. That was the day I started watching her through the gap in my bedroom curtains and stole the key to her pristine house. I suspected sheā€™d betrayed me, and maybe I was right. I donā€™t believe she killed my husband, but now I can make sure she pays for what she did to meā€¦