
The Guy on the Right


Strike One: My mother named me Theodore after her favorite chipmunk. Not cool, Mom.

Iā€˜ve spent most of my life answering to Teddy because I couldnā€™t make Theo work. Except for here. College. The place where all bets are off, and Iā€™ve managed to redeem myself. Thereā€™s only one problem, my new roommate, Troy, is football royalty and looks like he stepped off the set of an Abercrombie shoot.

Doesnā€™t matter, I cook a mean breakfast for his panty parade, and we get along well. And anyway, this year I got the girl. And sheā€™s perfect.

Thatā€™s right. Theodore Houseman, former band geek, now marching-band rock star has finally landed the girl of his dreams.

Everything is perfect.

That is, until Troy takes a good look at her.

Iā€™m not going down without a fight. As a matter of fact, Iā€™m not going down at all. As glorious as these days may be for my all-star roommate, Laney is my end game.

I may not know much about play strategy, but Iā€™ve been the good guy my whole life. Iā€™ve been listening, and I know exactly what women want. Framed in a picture standing next to me, Troy may seem like Mr. Perfect, but heā€™s underestimating the guy on the right.