
The Longest Yard Sale


When Sarah Winston turns Ellington, Massachusetts, into New Englandā€™s largest garage sale for a day, itā€™s the small townā€™s biggest event since the start of the Revolutionary Warā€”but without the bloodshed. That is, until a valuable painting goes missingā€¦and the lifeless body of an Air Force officer is found in Carol Carsonā€™s painting studio, his face perfectly framed with the murder weaponā€”a metal picture frame. Sarah is mad as heck that someone used her town-wide garage sale to commit a crimeā€”and frame her good friend Carol. She is definitely on this caseā€¦but itā€™s not easy rummaging through increasingly strange clues that point to cheating spouses, downright dirty investment schemesā€”even the mob. And Sarah will have to be very careful if she wants to live to bargain another day.

Verteller: Hillary Huber