
The Masters and Their Music : A series of illustrative programs with biographical, / esthetical, and critical annotations


In 'The Masters and Their Music,' W. S. B. Mathews delivers an invigorating exploration of the geniuses who veiled whole worlds within the minutiae of musical notes. This erudite work, adorned by illuminative programs, dispatches the reader on a voyage through the lives, philosophies, and masterpieces of the eminent composers who defined and refurbished the landscape of classical music. Mathews meticulously garnishes this edition with biographical sketches, aesthetical evaluations, and incisive critical annotations, conjuring a narrative that is as harmonious in literary style as it is in its analytical rigor. The reader is afforded a symposium of histories, contextualized within the broader canopy of music's evolutionary narrative, that transcends the mere recounting of dates and compositions to expose the pulsating heart of musical creativity itself.

W. S. B. Mathews, an astute architect of musical scholarship, brings to this volume a profound wisdom shaped by his own experiences within the world of music pedagogy and criticism. It is in his roots as an educator and a devout aficionado of the arts that Mathews finds the impetus for this meticulously composed corpus. With a finesse reflective of the maestros he reveres, Mathews stitches together an opus that doubles as both a guide for the keen neophyte and a contemplative retrospective for the seasoned aficionado. His work is a testament to the conviction that every iteration of literary homage to music's greats is itself a resonant contribution to humanity's collective soul.

'The Masters and Their Music' stands as an essential compendium for all who find solace in the orchestral tapestries of human ingenuity. Mathews, wielding his eloquent prose like a masterful conductor's baton, beckons readers across the scholarly and musical domains to engage with this concerto of historic insights and critiques. Suspended between the didactic and the delightful, this book recommends itself to the bibliophile and the musicologist alike, ensuring that the very essence of musical mastery is celebrated, perpetuated, and cherished through the written word.