The shocking true story of a young woman forced into spying for Russia under the KBG. What would make you agree to work as a KGB agent? Love, blackmail, desperation? For this young woman, there is only one thing that could make her agree to a life of service under the brutal regime that she hates. They took her baby. So begins the most compelling and revealing story about spying you’re ever likely to hear. Struggling through a life of poverty, a young woman finds herself in the relative safety of employment as a chambermaid. But everything changes when she falls for a man who betrays her. Pregnant and vulnerable, she is blackmailed into life as an agent by a brutal totalitarian state, one which never cared about the rights of any individual, especially women. With no interest in helping communism, she becomes driven by an obsessive desire to track down her stolen child.
From sleeping with the enemy to smearing the Soviet Union’s oldest foes. From infiltrating the upper echelons of London high society, to hunting runaway Nazis, this is the true and secret life of an undercover Russian agent inside Britain. Finally free, and safely undercover, The Quiet Spy strips away all the veils of secrecy to vividly reconstruct her bizarre life of danger, love and intrigue.