
The Reconciliation


On her baptismal day, Becky Zook ran from the church, leaving her stunned Amish community behind. She only wanted to see something of Gottā€™s vast world, but city life didnā€™t turn out as planned. Tricked into a sham marriage, Becky has come home humbled, wiser...and pregnant. Her mamm and daed are welcoming, and helping an overburdened young widow gives Becky a new sense of purpose. But after creating such a scandal, Becky feels unworthy of a loving husbandā€”let alone a wunderbaar man like Atlee Stauffer. Atlee knows Beckyā€™s situationā€”and understands why his mother advises him to be careful. Still, this once flighty, flirty girl has become a thoughtful, kind young woman. Heā€™s drawn to Becky like a magnet to a nail. One day, he hopes to build a family with her. But first, he must convince her wary, troubled heart to accept forgiveness and love.

Verteller: Charlotte Loring
