
The Square of Sevens: An Authoritative Method of Cartomancy with a Prefatory Note


In Edward Prime-Stevenson's 'The Square of Sevens: An Authoritative Method of Cartomancy with a Prefatory Note', readers are introduced to a detailed exploration of the art of cartomancy, a practice of using playing cards to gain insight into the future or one's inner self. The book presents a systematic method of interpreting the symbolism and meanings behind each card, providing a comprehensive guide for enthusiasts of divination. Prime-Stevenson's literary style is scholarly and thorough, delving deep into the history and significance of cartomancy within a literary context. The author's attention to detail and expertise in the subject matter make this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in the occult or esoteric traditions. Prime-Stevenson's meticulous approach to cartomancy sets this book apart from other texts on the subject, making it a must-read for serious students of divination and fortune-telling. 'The Square of Sevens' is a fascinating and informative exploration of the practice of cartomancy, offering readers a glimpse into the mystical world of interpreting playing cards for insights and guidance.