
The Witch


A page-turning debut written in the tradition of R.L. Stine's Fear Street, Goosebumps or

Haunting Hour.

In the town of Riverville, there is a street.

It was a street where they used to hang witches.

It is a street where students from school are known to have vanished without a trace, even

till today.

It is a street where strange things happen to people.

It is called Fox Street.

But kids at school call it by another name.

The Witch's Street.

One night Mary runs over a fox in the Witch’s Street. According to local superstitions, the

foxes on that street are witches in disguise. Later on she sees that exact same fox on another

street, the very same one she had just run over. Then bad things start happening around her.

Free Chapter:

It was a very foggy night. It was also very cold. The wind was blowing the trees,

making them shake and rattle. They stood tall, frightening shapes behind a curtain of fog.

It was the Fox Street Woods. Mary knew that she should not be here and let alone

knew why she was out in the woods at this time. Up on the sky, she could see a tiny crescent

moon. And then she started to hear the howling.

Mary was frightened. She was as scared as hell.

She could even hear her own heartbeat.

Please let this all be just some bad dream, Mary told herself.

Wishing it.

She saw no one else in sight.

The winds bend the grass.

The fog grows thicker.

Mary was looking all around her. Just the wide space of grass on the ground.

Mary wanted to get out of these woods.

She did not want to recall all those horror stories that she had heard or been told

about this place.

And then she heard it.

A growl.

Mary did not want to turn around but she did.

Not more than seven feet away from her was a hulking monster.

It stood seven feet tall. Fur as white as snow.

Its fangs looked scary as it gnarled and its claws looked razor sharp.

Mary was thinking about stories she had heard about the legendary Abominable

Snowman. But this creature had the face and the snout of a fox.

Just like a werewolf.

But not a werewolf.

A werefox. And it was coming for her.